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our platform


Smartphone Lifecycle Management platform with multidimensional capabilities

Metis360 empowers organizations to take control of smartphone lifecycle management. Leverages crowd-sourced device data to help telecom operators, smartphone manufacturers, and chipset manufacturers to improve their products’ service portfolio and cost-efficiency.

Metis360 platform 1

Integrated approach

The data represents the basis for our added value services, that respond to real business needs and help companies worldwide develop their business. Our ​integrated approach​ ensures that all underlying data is well-understood, efficiently sourced and managed to maximize the accuracy and value of insights.

Big Data technologies

Metis360 is built on Big Data technologies and a distributed computing platform that centrally organizes requests and continuously monitors mobile devices to identify how subscribers are experiencing the performance of their mobile products and services.

Metis360 platform 2

Metis360 provides actionable intelligence, on multiple dimensions and with broad application cross-company, aiming to enable organizations to drive optimization and continuous improvement.

Business Operations

  • Optimize sourcing
  • Product/assortment development
  • Off-network insights
  • Increased efficiency

Customer Experience

  • Increased visibility: user experience & behavior
  • Actionable insights
  • Enable improved after-sale service
  • Drive loyalty


The data collection app can be deployed on any ​Android​ smartphone, from version 6 to 13, with or without a graphical interface (GUI).

We support any of the options below:

  • ​Stand-alone app​, with the current GUI or adapted for customer needs
  • ​Embedded​ in an existing app, as a library without GUI

The ​app configuration is fully managed by Future Decoded​ team, to ensure the KPI quality & quantity need it for accurate reporting. Our device ​integration ​team provides the necessary guidance on OS compatibility and best practices.

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Smartphones deployed
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Parameters analyzed
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Reports available to our customers